Thursday, July 15, 2021

Day 36 - July 15, Chadron to Gordon, 50 miles

A completely different day today - bright and sunny. We take US 20 all the way across Nebraska to Sioux City, Iowa.  The highway has a nice wide shoulder, the traffic light and there are several nice towns along the way.  Today started with a gradual rise out of Chadron over the ridge that runs through the Nebraska National Forest.  The wind was steady out of the south as we headed into it over the first 20 miles and then it helped us the remainder of the day as we headed northeast.  We stopped in the towns of Hay Springs and Rushville on the way.  We noticed that each town has a beautiful park with trees, shade, and a pool!  

Once again new landscape - now the Great Plains 

1 comment:

  1. The Great Plains are the single largest geographical feature on Earth.
