The winds were strong all night and we felt a bit cool again. The morning was chilly, but the camp Hosts had hot coffee and treats for all the campers. Wow, did the hot coffee ever hit the spot! We enjoyed the very friendly and talkative bunch at the hosts' site. We had a couple of cups of coffee while we delayed going back to our chilly tent site to pack up.
Today we stayed on highway 35 all day to Gladstone. Our first stop after just 4 miles was at a gas station with a restaurant. Time for second breakfasts! All hobbits and bike tourists have second breakfasts. At breakfast we once again were greeted by friendly UP residents that just wanted to talk and talk. Highway 35 started with about 5 miles of almost no shoulders and continued to have heavy traffic. We were worried. But thankfully the highway opened up and the shoulders widened a lot so we were able to move away from the truck traffic. Also the views of the bay were much improved. We stopped at a couple of sandy picnic areas and parks along the way. All through Wisconsin and now the west side of Michigan it's been flat and windy.
At Escanaba the clouds parted and sun came out and warmed everything up nicely. We stopped to have lunch at a Culvers. We had sun the rest of the way to Gladstone - a very nice change in the weather.
The Gladstone Bay campground is another very nice campground with water and power at the site. Laundry called and that was about a 1.5 mile walk. Walking after riding is something we like to do. Respite from the saddle and loosening up tight muscles. Turns out there was a sub shop right next door to the laundry.
The view of Gladstone Bay, kind of at the tip of Green Bay, is fantastic from the campground.
Just arrived at the Gladstone campground. What a view!
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